Change of Stance to Bullish

Posted by: Salil V Gangal on January 04, 2007 at 20:09:46

Subscribers of Breadth.BIZ Web Based and PC Based Service,

I've changed my stance to Bullish. Please take average of the Breadth Thrust for S&P 500 (large), 400 (Mid) and, 600 (Small) and please notice how far off from mean (50) the average value is. Please notice the McClellan Oscillator values for S&P 500 (large), 400 (Mid) and, 600 (Small) and see how far off they are from the mean (0) value.

Subscribers of Breadth.BIZ PC Based Service,

Please run the two scripts displayed here and here and please notice the sectors/indices that have positive McClellan Oscillators and above 50 Breadth Thrusts. Such an imbalanced condition is not sustainable.

Subscribers of Breadth.BIZ Web Based Service,

Please notice the colour and value of both McCelllan Oscillator and Breadth Thrust in the Consolidated Analysis for all the 82 covered sector/index. Please see how many of them have positive McClellan Oscillator and how many have above 50 Breadth Thrust. Such an imbalanced condition is not sustainable.

Salil V Gangal

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