Posted by: Eric on April 27, 19103 at 14:57:58
In Reply to: Re: Weapons of mass destruction watch posted by Rich on April 27, 19103 at 09:45:48 |
As for WMD, I fail to see that we have found any cat hair, let alone any cats. As the article points out, american and brittish leaders systematically led their citizens to believe that the Iraqi were capable of firing off misilles equiped with chemical warhead within minutes. This was either a collosal intelligence failure or an egregious lie. Comments from the intelligence community and from declassified documents indicate that the latter.
As for the last line of the article, I believe you failed to appreciate its irony. The question remains: do you believe that the United States has an obligation to act within international law? If not, fine--your armband will arrive shortly in the mail. If yes, then the question of whether or not the administration lied about the presence of WMDs in iraq is a crucial one, because the only remotely plausible legal justification of this war was that Iraq was in violation of resolutions that called for "severe consequences". If iraq was in fact not in violation (and many on this board were called fools for believing that they might not have been,) then the war was a bald act of agression, and the agressors should rightly be prosecuted in a world court.
As to whether or not our leaders are liars or not, and who believes they are and who believes they are not: this is a question of fact and not of opinion. Whether or not they will be accountable for their lies may be a matter that will be settled democratically, but the question of whether or not they lied cannot and will never be settled by a vote or an opinion poll.
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