It's called "change the subject" strategy...

Posted by: escott on April 28, 19103 at 11:14:03

In Reply to: false alarm my @@S posted by Eric on April 28, 19103 at 10:22:28

Indeed.... How many dozen "false alarms" have we had trumpeted in the media past week alone? (Lately, we have MSNBC and CNN "struggling" their best to immitate Fox news.... nauseating....)

Reminds me too of what will happen when/if the US decides to work on the Israeli-Palestinian morass.... With Palestinians pulling off a series of demanded refroms, the focus will once again turn towards that little dirty subject about the exponential building of Israeli settlements in "occupied" territories.... But as soon as that subject comes up, you watch, the Isareli outlets will start screaming about Hamas, Hezbollah, or best of all.... its all Iran's fault there hasn't been peace and settlements don't matter....

And so it goes....

Where's Vonnegut when ya need 'em?

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