Re: One more life just ended ... 45 minutes capability doubted ?

Posted by: Salil V Gangal on July 20, 19103 at 23:32:00

In Reply to: Re: One more life just ended ... 45 minutes capability doubted ? posted by Art on July 20, 19103 at 21:21:10

Hi again Art,

>>I head that the BBC confirmed he was their liberal mole but since they rarely tell anything truthful, I doubt it.<<

Hmmm ... that's news. So let me get it right ... BBC rarely tells the truth ? ... Hmmmm ...

I was under the impression that it was the BBC that rejected Fuhrer Hitler's truce offer without getting any inputs at all from the commons or from Sir Churchill, on their own initiative within minutes of Fuhrer's speech of the truce offer. But you are under the impression that the very same BBC rarely tells the truth. That's interesting.

>>With regard to Tenet rubber stamping British Intelligence, I certainly hope not. Yet, it does become a part of the intelligence mosaic. Rarely does the intelligence community have hard facts. They give their best estimates by putting together everything known about a particular subject and arriving at logical conclusions. Of course, the data that can be confirmed by 2-3 independent sources is weighted heavier than single source intelligence. They do the best they can with what they have, however.<<

And what, when they don't have anything ? ... Then they make something up to satisfy the agenda of their political masters ? Don't they ?

Salil V Gangal

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