
Posted by: es on September 30, 19103 at 17:21:54

In Reply to: One George's opinion about the other ! posted by Salil V Gangal on September 30, 19103 at 17:13:28

Yeap my friend, this is off topic.... I've seen several Soros op-eds since 9/11 that have been, shall we say, off the "beaten necon path."

In circles I frequent, Soros Foundation(s) have been quietly receiving major new funding in recent months.... Soros, HARDLY a flaming "leftist" on Middle East matters in my book, is becoming the Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie of the 21st Century.... though one might also say (in a different sense) the same thing about Rupert Murdoch....

But in terms of relative impact on financial markets, when Soros speaks.... well, some people listen....



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