Re: say eric, a ?

Posted by: Eric on October 07, 19103 at 09:32:27

In Reply to: say eric, a ? posted by escott on October 06, 19103 at 20:41:08

sorry boss. Here is the link:


I wont bother with the link feature--you can just cut and paste :)

The cliffnotes:

Study was done at University of Maryland's PIPA (Program on international policy). they combined 7 surveys for a total of almost 10,000 respondands. They asked them the three basic Qs about iraq:

1) have they found wmds?
2) Have they found evidence of a Saddam/alquaeda connection.
3)did the us have worldwide support for the war.

If anyone answered yes to any of these they were counted as "misinformed."

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