Posted by: CH on May 02, 19104 at 07:43:34
In Reply to: Leadership comes from the top? posted by CH on May 02, 19104 at 07:17:45 |
Bush had said in 2001 on multiple occassions that corporate crooks involved with book cooking should ALL be held accountable.
It was discoverd in early 2002 that Haliburtons books were cooked while Cheney was the CEO. When Bush was asked of this issue his response was, "Accounting isn't black & white". He hemmed and hawed a bit, which has been his trait when trying to find an answer that isn't there, then quickly tried to move on.
Bush's body language is a dead give away.
The GAO has tried to get records to clear this case of Cheney and HALs cooked boks yet the administration has used every tactic possible to avoid letting this come to light. In early 03 the GOA said it was dropping the case due to "Budgetary issues".
Bush & Cheney have said they're innoecent of any corporate issues but refuse to show the documents that'll clear this mess. They are hiding behind a privilage law that Clinton used, which at that time the cons lashed out at the libs for using.
I say if the cons try to present to us that they're so good PROVE IT or else you're just another dirty lying bunch of scum bag politicans. Art says all libs are liars. Then I guess all cons are too.
Of course we have the issues with Bush and the UN. In late 02 Bush said we need to go to the UN. On 3 occassions Bush said, "The UN is irrelevant". Now Bush is flip flopped on that too. Those comments will haunt us for a long time.
I doubt that many realize Iraq was on the hawks table before 911. There was a great deal of evidence to show this before the 2000 elections. However, since the elections this has been pushed aside, Iraq has been made to show that it was Bush's concern after 911.
FWIW I believe Saddam had to be dealt with. In 92 I said we need to take him out and if we didn't then, at some point we'll be back in. My problem is in how Bush tried to "sell" this war.
There are several more examples of how this administration is showing similar behavior seen in the Nixon era. Too erie for me.
Cheney said, "Iraq will be a cakewalk. They will lie down their arms. There will be parades in our honor. They will greet us with open arms". Ya what a joke. Then he goes on to to say. "My life had no time for the military". Yet he expects everyone to do the bidding of the country.
Cheney also said in 2003, I have no interests in HAL". In the 2003 Q3 report it was shown Cheney has unexpired options with HAL from the late 90s!
I'm waiting for the classic. "I am not a crook".
Leadership by example? Then we're in for a world of hurt!
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