Rumsfeld must go...

Posted by: escott on May 07, 19104 at 15:05:36

In Reply to: LEADERSHIP COMES FROM THE TOP posted by CH on May 04, 19104 at 16:53:33

I just watched the entire pathetic Rumsfeld hearing.... In my opinion, he's finished. Could be wrong, but I detected a half dozen REPUBLICAN senators who were impatient to disgusted by his responses and those of his staff....

Key complaint of Rumsfeld - which came up in q/ with Senator Collins (R of Maine) - was that he had to deal with this matter in public. Ergo, he regrets more that we got caught, not for what happened. He even admitted that he had only gotten around to seeing the video/pictures last night.....

Everything the neocons have promoted re. Iraq has turned out to be a chimera or worse.... no credibility whatsoever.... except to Art's buddy, Mr. Limbaugh....

Once we get a Republican senator or two coming to the same conclusion in public, Rummy will be gone....

Alas, CNN (via wolfi blitzer) & Fox already are trying to spin matters in favor of rummy....

Best idea I heard entire day was for the US to close down Abu Gharib.... (which several senators endorsed) My question: why the hell did we think we had to re-open the worst symbol of Saddam's tyranny in the first place???? Mind-boggling......

Rumsfeld must go.

Or my son and everyone else's who serve in the military will be faced with the consequences.... IMHO

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