Why Najaf is "sensitive"

Posted by: escott on August 13, 19104 at 20:34:44

Yes, I use that "s" word deliberately - as in why we might learn a thing or two from Winston Churchill on Iraq....

Of course, if Dick Cheney had been in control, we'd have flattened the place - using any one of a half dozen handy regional metaphors - Assad in Hama, Sharon anywhere, Saddam in... Najaf....

Thankfully - thus far - we seem to have some local US military commanders who have a clue.... and have pulled back from the brink....

Sadr may be a real serious problem.... poisoning the sea he swims in isn't the way to beat him and his ilk - rather, it'll turn a rough sea into a furious hurricane.... to use a better metaphor of the moment.... :-}

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