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FundVision Acronyms and TA-Terms
AAOOC Acronyms Are Out Of Control !
First used by Paul
AFAIAC As Far As I Am Concerned
AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFAIR As Far As I Recall (or As Far As I Remember)
AC Goldman Sachs' Analyst - Ms. Abby Joseph Cohen
AG FOMC chairman - Mr. Alan Greenspan
AHT After Hour Trading
ASAP As Soon As Possible
BB Bollinger Bands
BNF Effect
Brand New Fund.
BNF Effect - Brand New Funds often outperform during their initial months after opening. Typically funds by established 'growth' families and/or Managers show this outperformance effect.
First defined/used by Salil V Gangal
BTW By The Way
COB Close of Business (Normally associated with COB price)
DEMA Day Exponential Moving Average
DMI Directional Movement Index
EOD End Of the Day. (Used almost interchangeably with COB)
FFF / FFFs FundVision Favorite Funds
FID Foot In the Door
When the minimum investment is made (or kept) in a fund that's about to close or about to go loaded, to acquire (or to maintain) the status of 'current shareholder' and/or 'grandfather shareholder', it is FID
First defined/used by Salil V Gangal
FOMC Federal Open Market Committee
FSS Floating Sell Stop
FWIW For What It's Worth
HTH Hope This Helps
ICCL I Could Care Less
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IOW In Other Words
IMO / IMHO In My Opinion / In My Humble Opinion
IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean
IYKWIMAITYD If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do
jlip / jcip Just Link In Post / Just Chart In Post
When there is no text in the post, just a link, it is 'jlip' Post; and when it is just a chart, it is 'jcip' Post.
This is to avoid reader confusion (if any) about the lack of text.
First used by Salil V Gangal
KST Know Sure Thing (An indicator Devised by Mr Martin Pring
KST (Dale's) KST indicator coded by our friend Dale Roenigk
KT Knowledge Transfer
LOL Laughing Out Loud
M* Morningstar (The web site address -->
MACD Moving Average Convergence Divergence
MCO My Considered Opinion
MM Money Market Account
MOAC / GMOAC Mother Of All Corrections / Grand Mother Of All Corrections
First used/defined by Will Johnston Jr.
NAV Net Asset Value ('Price' of the fund)
N225 Japan's Nikkei 225 Index.
ntip No Text In Post
When there is no text in the post it is 'ntip' Post; In this case, the message is conveyed just by the Title.
First used by Salil V Gangal
OTOH On The Other Hand
OTWT Only Time Will Tell
First used by Salil V Gangal
PITA Pain In The A**
PRISM Price - Relative Strength - rsI - Stochastics - Macd
This is signal bssed on the combination of the above factors, commonly used in FastTrack.
Q Quarter
ROC Rate Of Change
ROFL / ROTFL / ROTFLMAO Rolling On Floor Laughing / Rolling On The Floor Laughing / ...
ROR Rate Of Return
RVC Rolling Vote Count
This is nothing but the Simple Moving Average of Total Votes, specifically used in Merwin Algorithm. However, there is no reason to limit it just for Merwin.
First used by Salil V Gangal
SOTM State Of The Market
First used by Salil V Gangal
SS Sell Stop
SSN Social Security Number
TA Technical Analysis
TETT Too Early To Tell
First used by Salil V Gangal
TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
TSD True Selling Day.
A day when the DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell 2000 decline by 1% or more.
First used/defined by Gary Smith
^TYX 30 Year Treasury Bond Yield multiplied by 10.
TYVM Thank You Very Much.
*tic* Tounge In Cheek
The sentence is to be taken in a naughty sort of way
First used by Salil V Gangal
Unit 10% of the Investable Assets
WRT With Respect To
WSWWS We'll see what we'll see
First used by Raya Lele
YMMV Your Milage May Vary
XL? Ticker symbols for Sector Spiders of AmEx

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