Re: The Price of Freedom -- Misguided Lori

Posted by: Art on April 20, 19103 at 12:52:48

In Reply to: Re: The Price of Freedom -- Misguided Lori posted by Salil V Gangal on April 20, 19103 at 10:47:49

HI Salil

As Lori said, no one said these ladies don't have freedon of speech. The KKK has freedom of speech. The American communist part has freedom of seech. That doesn't mean that most real Americans don't detest those skumbags for taking advantage of our freedoms to spread their biggoted views. No one, including Lori, said the unpatriotic fools at the steak house don't have a right to express their views. Of course real patriots have the right call them on it and show them up to be the fools they are. Isn't freedom great *smile*.



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