Re: The Price of Freedom -- Misguided Lori

Posted by: Salil V Gangal on April 20, 19103 at 13:02:12 <>
In Reply to: Re: The Price of Freedom -- Misguided Lori posted by Art on April 20, 19103 at 12:52:48

Hi Art,,

>>That doesn't mean that most real Americans don't detest those skumbags for taking advantage of our freedoms to spread their biggoted views.<<

Who is a 'real American' ?

(Is the 'real American' someone who supports every mis-guided policy by the current administration ? *smile* Is some ex-member of KKK a 'real American' or a scumbag ? Is some member of Amercian Communist party a 'real American' or a scumbag ? Is some member of 'Nations of Islam' a 'real American' or a scumbag ? Is some member of 'Aryan Nation' a 'real American' or a scumbag ? Is a 'real Amercian' more equal than an 'American' *grin* ?)

>>No one, including Lori, said the unpatriotic fools at the steak house don't have a right to express their views.<<

Really ? Then do you care to explain what Lori ment by 'I'll not sit by and listen to you' ? What would she do ?

Salil V Gangal

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