Re: Weapons of mass destruction watch

Posted by: Eric on April 27, 19103 at 15:05:29

In Reply to: Re: Weapons of mass destruction watch posted by Salil V Gangal on April 27, 19103 at 10:09:57

What if a political party that's aligned with Al-Qaeda wins in the election within the framework of the upcoming imposed democracy in Iraq ?

There are, in my opion, three possible outcomes in Iraq.

1) The most likely: complete lawlessness for years to come. This has been the outcome in kosovo, serbia, and afghanistan, the last three places we have brought about regime change. Such an environment will produce a much greater breeding ground for terrorism than Saddam ever provided.

2)Second most likely: another puppet regime. Such a regime will have to become more and more oppresive and brutal to stay in power. for those with short memories: this is how Saddam got into business...ditto the taliban.

3)Least likely: a government that represents the will of the iraqi people. Such a government would likely be theocratic, and would certainly be anti-american and anti-israeli. this outcome is extremely unlikely since the bush administration will fight it with all their might. Ironic that we are setting up a theocracy at home, but fighting it abroad.

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