Re: Weapons of mass destruction watch

Posted by: Salil V Gangal on April 27, 19103 at 10:09:57

In Reply to: Re: Weapons of mass destruction watch posted by Rich on April 27, 19103 at 09:45:48

Hi Rich,

>>by whether this war marked the beginning of the end for the terrorists who hate America<<

What I'm afraid of is whether this war will mark the beginning of the democracies who hate America.

Perhaps the current administration will be able to install a puppet government in Iraq and everything will appear to be fine. But what if the current administration fails to install a Karzai in Iraq ? What if a political party that's aligned with Al-Qaeda wins in the election within the framework of the upcoming imposed democracy in Iraq ?

What I'm afraid of is whether this war will mark the beginning of the democracies who hate America.

Oh ... BTW ... And let us not forget for a minute that Germany is a democratic country. Chancellor Schroeder won the election with prominent anti current US administration stance. (And sadly what is against the current administration does not remain localized/focussed to just the current administration, it often spills over in the outside world to being against America itself. This demarcation of against a particular policy can turn into dis-like / frustration / anger / hate.) And then again let us not forget that France is a very democratic country !

>>One need only scan the headlines in the UK newspaper to see the heavier than lead bias against the US and the war against Iraq.<<

So does this bias mark the beginning of turning one more democratic country - UK - onto the path of dis-like / frustration / anger / hate ?

I see a beginning of a very dangerous and fragmented world.

>>The vast majority of our citizens support them.<<

In 2000 there definitely was no vast majority. If anything going by popular vote cast (and counted *smile*) it was a minority, except in the highest court in the land of course ! *grin*.

Sure ... at present indeed what you say is correct.

What will be the scenario in 2004 ... OTWT ...

Salil V Gangal

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