Haven't you heard?

Posted by: escott on April 27, 19103 at 20:45:27

In Reply to: Weapons of mass destruction watch posted by Eric on April 26, 19103 at 14:57:13

Wow Eric, this subject gets more and more into the theatre of the absurd.... For starters though, I never doubted Iraq at one time or another had significant WMD's.... especially of the chemical kind....

But gee, prior to today's possible discovery, the neocons (Rumsfeld's buddies) were putting out the line that those nefarious Ba'athists had destroyed the chemical weapons just prior to the American invasion.... (sic - no kidding) Why would they do that? Well, they wanted to make America look bad - and take away the key justification propounded for this invasion.... Gee, how dastardly....

Oh, but then when that argument started seeming especially absurd, then the line went out that well, the Iraqis really sent the WMD's to Syria.... and hey, since Syria is "next on the necon list" (sic), so much the better....

But wait, maybe we found some afterall.... but frankly, because the US is determined as hell not to let UN inspectors check out the find, well, I wonder just how much the rest of the world will believe the credibility of the find.... (We really do need Hans Blix....) Well, maybe we'll swallow hard enough to invite in some NATO CW experts.... that is, assuming we've actually got something this time....

Then again, to hear the President tell it on the stump, the liberation of the Iraqi people from the horrors of Saddam is justification enough.... and all those little "slip ups" or mistatements (or even deliberate lies) prior to the invasion are of no consequence --- end justifies the means...

And so it goes....

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