Re: About the sticker-shock of 87 billions

Posted by: Pat-Ster on September 09, 19103 at 09:30:15

In Reply to: About the sticker-shock of 87 billions posted by Salil V Gangal on September 08, 19103 at 17:04:31

Salil, a mere 87 billion upsets you so? That's chump change to Democrats, and apparently, Republicans. We spend many times that 87 billion on social welfare programs every year. Federal budget for 2003 is 2100+ billion.

Where are you going to turn? Nader? Buchanon?

Yes congress could slow spending - but a precedent was set when this was done to Bill Clinton. He ignored congress and spent the money by Executive Order.

In the end, No congress will not stand in the way because the 87 billion represents Jobs here and now. I've got friends and family living it - I know you believe the money is "wasted" - but like it or not we've got jobs and we're working and congress won't stand in the way of that.

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