Posted by: Art on October 20, 19103 at 11:53:57
In Reply to: Army personnel 'write' letters back home posted by Salil V Gangal on October 14, 19103 at 16:41:42 |
"However, the soldiers' commander, Lieutenant Colonel Dominic Caraccilo, told ABC News on Tuesday his staff had written the letters merely to get "good news" back to the US more efficiently.
He says he then sent it round to his soldiers saying they could send a copy home if they wanted to."
"We thought it would be a good idea to encapsulate what we as a battalion have accomplished since arriving Iraq and share that pride with people back home," he said."
It is absolutely routine in the military for the Commander's PIO (Public Information Officer) to publish a press release for home town papers. This has been going on for over a hundred years. When I finished basic training, they had canned press releases that I sent home to the local paper. Same thing when our class graduated from Flight School. Others include whenever a unit is sited for some special honor. This is routine and normal.
The key words that you seem to have ignored or failed to understand are these: " they could send a copy home "if they wanted to". These releases are made available to the troops. The troops can send them if they wish, not send them or modify the original version. It's totally up to them and simply provides a service to the troops. As I said, this has been going on for well over a hundred years. Why haven't you complained when the same press releases were being sent under Clinton. Don't bother to respond, we all know why *smile*.
Sheesh, get a life.
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