Soprano's line ===> 'Somebody needs to go'

Posted by: Salil V Gangal on March 22, 19104 at 15:30:37

In Reply to: Politics & markets redux posted by escott on March 22, 19104 at 08:45:46


Must admit that I was not saddened by the latest news of one more ex-Insider not being too thrilled with policies of the current administration. If indeed Hon Secy Rumsfeld wanted to hit Iraq after 9/11, just because there were no good targets in Afghanistan, then I wonder about his sanity. It is dangerous to have folks like him in the administration. (Enough said.)

>>Its those places that have real elections (like Spain) that we have to worry about....<<

US has a very long history of having Generals and Kings as their puppets.

It will be interesting to see how many of the governments in the bunch that invaded / supported-invasion of Iraq survive after their respective elections.

Come November and perhaps the voters will remember the line 'Somebody needs to go' and will send 'W' off to his ranch. ... We can hope for the best ...

Salil V Gangal

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