Posted by: Salil V Gangal on May 20, 19104 at 17:09:48
In Reply to: "Sikh" economy pending.... :-} posted by escott on May 20, 19104 at 16:34:17 |
Errr ... Well ... lets go back to history a bit.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India was from Kashmir. He and other Pandits (Hindus from Kashmir) were slowly driven out from Kashmir by the insergents backed by Pakistan. So what you have at the very root are that the Nehru-Gandhi family is home-less (in the sense of traditional home of the fore-fathers).
The would-be PM Mr Manmohan Singh was born in a village that is now a part of Pakistan. Home of his fore-fathers is the Capital of Pakistan. On the other hand I'm sure you know that the President of Pakistan Gen. Musharruf was born in New Delhi - the capital of India. ... Are you clear *smile* yet ?
Then were was a demand by some sections of Sikh community to get a seperate state a couple of decades ago. Then Prime Minster India - Mrs Indira Gandhi (Daughter of the first Prime Minister of India) crushed the armed insurgency. In the process the Golden Temple was damaged. Two of Mrs. Indira Gandhis body guards from Sikh community assasinated her as revenge.
Then in Sri Lanka (the island nation at the south of India) the govt there requested assistance from Indian Armed Forces to keep peace when they were fighting a bloody insurgency from LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam). Then Prime Minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi (Son of Indira Gandhi) did offer help. In the process, LTTE got weakened. As a revenge Mr Rajiv Gandhi was assasinated by a suicide bomber.
So that's the background in brief of the persons involved. BTW - Mrs Sonia Gandhi is the widow of late Mr Rajiv Gandhi.
So as you see the whole thing is quite complex.
What is not at all complex is the basic clash between Communism and Capitalism. Mr Manmohan Singh - a former professor of economics understands that Capitalism works and Communism does not. The communists who are going to support the govt from outside have an entirely different view of the things and do sincerely believe that Capitalism is worng (gulp) and that it should not be allowed.
This is what the problem is. Needless to say that I dislike communism intensly. The govt that is propped up by the communists simply cannot do freely what's right for the capitalism to grow/flourish. *sigh*
Salil V Gangal
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