"Sikh" economy pending.... :-}

Posted by: escott on May 20, 19104 at 16:34:17

In Reply to: Indian markets recover drmatically posted by Salil V Gangal on May 18, 19104 at 13:38:07

light-hearted pun intended.... no offense meant, pleeease!


Thanks for the links Salil.... though I'm sure not sure I am rather dubious of the baiting about "the commis are coming"..... Curious too was the racist carping aimed at Ms. Ghandi - and her unrepentant Catholic confession. Yet now that she's passed on the spot she won, the p.m. post passes to a respected economist - who happens to be a Sikh by confession.....

remarkable. This could get interesting.... no?

On the foreign policy front, I have a hunch a less "fundamentalist" inclined gov't in India (even if tainted by commi "secularism") might suggest a further lessening of tensions on the sub-continent.... but no doubt that's a comment out of ignorance.... (esp. with Islamist rage at fever pitch over so many issues globally)

By the way: Imagine somebody who wasn't Christian, Jewish, or atheist having a snowball's chance of even serving in an American cabinet..... Or hey, how about even on ANY of the major American news networks? Then again, Rudi Baktiar of CNN gives me hope.... Or hey, in America's #1 city - my local city gov't (People's Republic of Charlottesville) is managed by a respected Sikh technocrat.... fvsmile

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