Re: Typical

Posted by: Art on May 02, 19103 at 13:47:50

In Reply to: Re: Typical posted by Rich on April 30, 19103 at 16:50:17

Hi Rich

Don't know if it made the NY papers or not but the Miami Harold, the Orlando Sentinal plus a few other papers paid for a recount of the 3 Decomcratic counties in question right after the election was over here in Florida. They counted using the Democratic method ( I predict this voter "intended" to vote for Gore) and the legal method. When the count was over, Bush still won only by more votes than the official tabulation. They didn't like that result so they did a recount of the entire state. Again Bush won only by a much larger margin. The facts are, there was never any count using any method that scored Gore as the winner. Therefore, even if the Supreme Court had not stepped in, Bush would have still won. The liberals are just going to have to get over it, President Bush won the electorial count and that's all that counts *smile*.



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