Posted by: Art on July 20, 19103 at 21:11:14
In Reply to: Discredited serice sure ... but which one ? posted by Salil V Gangal on July 19, 19103 at 21:05:03 |
"The service that is dis-credited in UK is not British Broadcasting Corporation, but actually it is the British Secret Service !"
That's your opinion but certainly not factual. If my life depended on it, I'd certainly would trust the British secret service over some liberal anti-war rag that has no access to classified matierial. You are free to believe what you want, however.
" Err ... is it or is it not Mr Tenet's job to confirm using his own (actually tax-payer's own) resources or is CIA gone so very bankrupt (yes ?) that now they have to get their intelligence from MI5..."
Yup, sure is. The problem with the CIA is that it was decimated under the Democrates during the 90's, especially by the crooked Torracelli. We have satalites and radio intercepts but we lost almost all of our ground intelligence capability. Torracelli passed a law and insisted that anyone working for the CIA have no criminal record. That's like trying to spy on the mod without using mobsters. Stupid. They are beginning to correct the HUMENT (Humand intelligence) deficiencies but it takes time. Dispite this shortcoming, the President's statment ("The British have an intelligence report that says Sadaam was trying to acquire nuclear material from Africa" is accurate and correct) if absolutely true. The British do have such a report and stand by their intelligence report to this day. Our own intelligence estimates say the same thing but they don't have independent confirmation of of it.
When 9/11 occured, the Democrates were cpmplainting that President Bush did not connect the dots although he had no hard evidence. Now, President Bush connects the dots and the Democrates rale that there is no hard proof. It's a cheap political game to play when the security of the nation is at stake. It used to be that politics stopped at the water's edge. Looks like all the statesmen in congress have disappeared. Let me correct that. I did see two Democratic congressmen over the weekend that were members of the Congressional intelligence committee and are privy to the intelligence briefings. They appeared with their Republican counterparts but when it came to security, you couldn't tell the Democrate from the Republican as both were concerned and in agreement with the direction we were moving which is as it should be. Keep in mind, these guys know a lot more than the routine congressmen including those running in the Democratic Presidential primaries.
I do agree with you in that we do need better HUMENT intelligence. Satalites and radio intercepts can do just so much but there is nothign more valuable than a guy on the ground, hopefully, a trusted memeber of the bad guys. We need to rebuild that type of intelligence.
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