Past/Future ... and Present

Posted by: Salil V Gangal on July 20, 19103 at 21:39:44

In Reply to: Re: Discredited serice sure ... but which one ? posted by Art on July 20, 19103 at 21:11:14

Hi again Art,

Aha ... but then again I can say the exactly the same thing about you. That it is your opinion that BBC is dis-credited, that you are free to believe it, that it is not a fact nevertheless ! *smile*

>>Yup, sure is. The problem with the CIA is that it was decimated under the Democrates during the 90's, especially by the crooked Torracelli. We have satalites and radio intercepts but we lost almost all of our ground intelligence capability.<<

So why believe in something that is decimated ? Why believe in something that you yourself feel is crippled ? Why not starightaway bring MI5 on payroll *smile* (and get its fake 'intelligence') ? And tell you what, the person, who believes in lame intelligence service and makes a speech as important as the 'State-of-the-union' should/must take the fall for it.

>>The problem with the CIA is that it was decimated under the Democrates during the 90's, especially by the crooked Torracelli.<<

That's Past - of little or no use right now. It is perhaps of some academic/historic interest as to which crooked individual was responsible for knee-capping the CIA.

>>I do agree with you in that we do need better HUMENT intelligence. Satalites and radio intercepts can do just so much but there is nothign more valuable than a guy on the ground, hopefully, a trusted memeber of the bad guys. We need to rebuild that type of intelligence.<<

That's Future. Again of little or no use right now. It is perhaps of some academic/administrative interest, as to how to repair the fracture in future.

What is important is the present. What is important is to understand is who is the crooked individual who is believeing the decimated CIA right this moment for his speeches and actions that is resulting in the loss of lives of the Occupying Forces ? (My impression was that you care very much about your ex-colleagues in Armed Forces. I can't figure it yet as to how you are supporting the sacrifice of those lives based on questionable intelligence coming from crippled service. Or perhaps the new strategy is to get shot first and improve intelligence later ? *smile*)

Salil V Gangal

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