Posted by: Salil V Gangal on March 19, 19104 at 16:43:21
In the morning I heard President's speech on NPR. I thought I heard a new term 'weapons of mass terror'. Searched BBC and indeed ... from the President's speech today ===>
>>No concession will appease their hatred. No accommodation will satisfy their endless demands. Their ultimate ambitions are to control the peoples of the Middle East, and to blackmail the rest of the world with weapons of mass terror.<<
Our democratically 'selected' President appears to have come-up with a term 'Weapons of Mass Terror'. Anyone knows what are these ? Please shed some light on these. What are they ? Who has them ? (US / UK / Iran / Korea ... maybe even Cuba and Venezuela ?)
Personally, I've heard of Weapons of Mass Destruction (which are not there in Iraq), but till today I had never heard of this new term ! (Hmmm ... you learn something new every day.)
Salil V Gangal
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