Re: Typical

Posted by: Rich on April 30, 19103 at 12:45:10

In Reply to: Re: Typical posted by Fact Finder on April 30, 19103 at 12:07:41

It is obvious to most in this country that the war was a tremendous success. Of course, Bush haters will never admit that, and most of them start with their hate and denial of his right to be president and reason backwards from that.

It's going to be a real downer for them whem he wins in 2004 by one of the biggest margins in recent history. Of course, the elitist Hollywood and college prof types will go into further denial. They can't understand why their self-proclaimed superior intellect doesn't persuade everyone to their self-indulgent positions. It would never occur to them that the majority view is the correct one. Their associates all tell them how right they are.

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